Literary Management


Michelle Porter is a finalist for the 2023 Atwood Gibson Writers' Trust Fiction Prize

Michelle Porter is a finalist for the 2023 Atwood Gibson Writers' Trust Fiction Prize for her enchanting debut novel, A GRANDMOTHER BEGINS THE STORY.

The Atwood Gibson Prize recognizes writers of exceptional talent for the best novel or short story collection of the year. —Writers’ Trust Canada

Jury Citation:

“A Grandmother Begins the Story  blows the doors off the typical family saga. This novel’s five Métis generations intertwine in wild, thrilling patterns, like the music that sustains them. Beautiful and daring, this book carries the weight of history lightly, and is full of surprises and shifts — we move between this world and the afterlife, human and animal characters, in a great imaginative dance. The story’s striking voices resound long after the final page.” — 2023 Atwood Gibson Writers' Trust Fiction Prize Jury (francesca ekwuyasi, Alix Hawley, MG Vassanji)

The winner will be announced on November 21.

Read more here.