Literary Management


North American English rights to Jon Tattrie's SWORD AND SOUL: HOW AN AMERICAN EXILE REWROTE FANTASY

North American English rights to SWORD AND SOUL: HOW AN AMERICAN EXILE REWROTE FANTASY, the incredible story of the foundational pioneer of the sword and soul genre of fantasy Charles S. Saunders who, in May, 2020 amidst the Covid lockdown died alone and unrecognized in Halifax. Friend and colleague of Saunders, award-winning journalist Jon Tattrie, traces and uncovers the life of the writer whose IMARO novels reimagined the white worlds and challenged the racist undertones of Tarzan, Conan, and The Lord of the Rings with Black heroes and African mythologies that introduced much-needed positive representation in fantasy and opened the door for Black readers and writers alike, to Joe Lee and Jared Bland at McClelland & Stewart by Ron Eckel.


Non-fiction, Canada, USPaige Sisley